Kelli Copper’s Acne Success Story

As someone who saw her first pimples make an appearance at the ripe old age of 10, I battled acne for a long time before I really got it under control.

I am rapidly approaching 34, and while I still have the occasional breakout, by and large, I have tamed the acne beast. I have even had people compliment me on my skin, and it still shocks me a bit.

Like anyone who suffers from acne knows, it can really do a number on your self-esteem, and make you hyper-critical of your skin, even when it is behaving relatively well. There is still that self-conscious teenager in me somewhere that worries what people think when they see my face even if there isn’t a pimple to be found.

The Early Battles

While I didn’t suffer from severe cystic-type acne, it was certainly not a mild case either. Not only was my skin super-oily, it was also super-sensitive. I seemed to break out at the drop of a hat.

For years, I tried all sorts of conventional treatments.

There were the standard drugstore products like cleansing pads, pimple creams, face washes specifically made for acne-prone skin…you name it. Then I tried lots of fancy brands that promised amazing results. Things would work well for a bit, then just stop. My skin never really cleared up for any prolonged amount of time, though my wallet certainly got cleared out plenty.

On one hand, I was just used to having acne and it wasn’t always something I would actively be obsessing about. But, one the other hand, it did impact me on a daily basis because there was just this underlying feeling of not being attractive, and I know my skin was a major factor.

But, nothing I was doing seemed to be working. Mind you, during my teen years, the internet wasn’t really a big thing yet. There was no going online to research information. That makes me feel really old – even though I’m not. And, being younger and not super-aware or concerned with matters of health and wellness, natural medicine was not even on my radar.

What Started My Journey with Natural Medicine

Sometime around college I had developed a greater interest in natural medicine, personal development and all that jazz. But, in these early stages, I really didn’t do too much – just some reading on topics occasionally.

But, soon after graduating, I kicked things up a notch. This was around the time I was facing an acne battle on a whole different level. Seemingly overnight, my skin took a major turn for the worse. I started developing big, juicy pimples along the lower half of my face, along the jawline and my neck.

To say I didn’t handle this well was an understatement. Never having been particularly concerned with making myself up, I wouldn’t leave the house without cover-up, no matter where I was going. At work I became more withdrawn because I was embarrassed about my face.

I would cry and cry, not understanding what caused such a dramatic change in my skin. How long would this last? What if it never went away?

My interest in natural health became laser-focused on skincare, and I slowly started introducing products and various changes into my lifestyle. And now to the stuff you really want to read about. The following are the most beneficial products I have used over the years to treat my acne.

My Natural Acne Lifesavers

  • Olive leaf extract has very potent antimicrobial properties, meaning it is good at destroying bacteria, viruses and fungus. Bacteria is a major issue with acne, and I had read this was one of the best natural treatments. Once I started taking it, I noticed a big difference about a month in.
  • Witch hazel is a great natural toner, and it was one of the first products I used when I began my assault against acne with natural products. It is not only an effective agent for removing any residue from face wash, but it really toned down inflammation and made my pimples look less red and ‘angry.’
  • Tea tree oil is my favorite spot treatment for active pimples—it is also great to use in face wash or face pads. It works like benzoyl peroxide, but without the harsh side effects like drying out your skin and making it look all red and flaky.
  • Apple cider vinegar is one of my current natural skin care darlings. I apply some with a cotton ball after I wash my face. Not only is it great for keeping acne under control, its exfoliating properties help even out your skin tone, and make pores look much smaller. As a big-pore gal myself, this makes me very happy.
  • Coconut oil is also on my current roster. It is highly antimicrobial so it is good for treating acne; it is also an amazing moisturizer. Remember, oily skin is not necessarily moisturized skin.
  • Making changes to my diet also helped me a lot with my skin. The average American fare is loaded with inflammation-causing elements, and if you have an inflammatory condition like acne, this can cause a problem. It is a good idea to cut back on saturated animal fats, sugar and processed carbohydrates. That is what I did, and it helped a lot.

Tips for Your Journey to Clear Skin through Natural Means

When it comes to treating your acne through natural means, it is important that you have patience. Acne is a symptom of an imbalance in your system, and fixing it can take time. When experimenting with things like diet and supplements, you have to give them a chance to work.

Don’t give up after a week. Supplements can take up to eight weeks before they fully ‘kick in’ so give them at least that long before determining whether they are working for you. Dietary changes can take even longer. As for topical treatments, use them consistently to properly evaluate their effects. Don’t go overboard with lots of different products—more product does not translate to more improvements.

What works wonders for one person may not make a lick of difference for someone else, so realize it may take some trial and error to find the most effective treatments for your skin. This can be really hard, and you will feel really impatient sometimes. But, the way I look at it, the time is going to pass at the same rate whether you are doing something or not, so put it to good use by trying out different things.

Good Luck!

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